Wrisk partners with JLR

Wrisk has delivered a fully branded motor insurance proposition for JLR (Jaguar Insurance and Land Rover Insurance) in the UK using our unique flexible subscription product available for both existing and new vehicle customers. This was enabled using our full end to end digital customer journey with 24/7 customer self-serve capability.
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JLR and Wrisk

Wrisk has delivered a fully branded motor insurance proposition for JLR (Jaguar Insurance and Land Rover Insurance) in the UK using our unique flexible subscription product available for both existing and new vehicle customers. This was enabled using our full end to end digital customer journey with 24/7 customer self-serve capability.

Wrisk began delivering the new arrangements in October 2023 and working with Insurers, we have been steadily enhancing the insurance propositions and delivering them at speed to JLR and its customers. One example of a recent innovation is the new insurance promotion campaign for Range Rover and Range Rover Sport vehicles which took Wrisk three weeks from our first discussion on the topic with JLR, to its launch to their customers on May 1st.

Last week JLR issued a press release that provided an update on their initiatives to bolster insurance offerings for its UK clients.

For the insurance offerings themselves, you can see more by following these links:
